Sophora alopecuroides var. alopecuroides
Rhizomatous undershrub, c. 50-100 cm, branches and leaves sparingly pilose. Stipules 2-3 mm, caducous. Leaflets 15-25, c. 10-35 mm long, c.5-12 mm broad, oblong, obtuse, densely hairy on both the surfaces. Inflorescence c. 15-20 cm long. Flowers cream, subsessile. Calyx c. 7-11 mm, teeth c. 2-2.5 mm, densely pubescent. Corolla c. 18-20 mm long, vexillum recurved through 90º. Lomentum 3-12-seeded, c. 7-10 cm long, constricted between the seeds.
Fl.Per.: June-August.
Type: ‘Habitat in Oriente’.
Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan); Kashmir; Persia; Syria; Lebanon; Greece; Turkey; Russia, Lower Don, Ciscaucasia, West and East Transcaucasia, Altai, Irtysh, Central Asia; Eastern Turkistan (Vassilczenko, l.c.); China, Shansi, Kansu.
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