Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd., Sp. Pl. 2: 532. 1800. Parker, l.c. 173; Bor & Raizada, Some Beaut. Ind. Cl. Shrubs, 64. 1954.
Poinciana coriaria Jacq.
A large shrub or small tree, stem unarmed. Leaves bipinnate, pari or impariĀ¬pinnate, up to 15 cm long. Leaflets numerous and short, 6-7 mm long. Inflorescence axillary and terminal dense panicles, up to 5 cm long. Petals spathaceous, yellow. Filaments hairy in the lower half. Pod up to 7.5 cm long, c. 1.2 cm broad, twisted.
Fl. Per.: SeptemĀ¬ber-October.
Distribution: Native of West Indies and Central America, cultivated in gardens.
An ornamental plant. Pods contain strong tanning material.
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