Gagea pseudoerubescens* Vved.
Plants with narrow basal and subinflorescence leaves, forming groups with prevalence of juvenile specimens. Bulb up to 10-12 mm in diameter, obliquely-dro p-shaped, with engirdled on perimeter by more or less dense group of bulbils, covered by black-brown, coriaceous tunics. Bulbils brownish-black, numerous, semi-dro p-shaped or semi-dro p-faceted, basal bulbil larger than the others. Peduncle 5-10(15) cm in height, in T.S. triangular-roundish, furrowed. Basal leaf single, angular-flat, exceeds the inflorescence, up to 7(9) mm broad, lanceolate-linear, longitudinally furrowed at the base. Leaves on the peduncle alternate, lower usually surpasses the inflorescence, as broad as the basal leaf, narrowly-lanceolate, gradually narrowed, upper smaller, linear. Inflorescence shortly-branched, flowers on long pedicels. Tepals 10-16(20) mm long, 2-3 mm broad, lanceolate, yellow, greenish-purple outside, elongating and pointed at anthesis, after flowering longitudinally rolled-up. Anthers yellow, oblong, dehiscence - oviform. Ovary gets obovate, on a short stalk. Capsule up to 3 times shorter than the perianth, three-rayed, obpyramidal, on very short stipe. Seeds orange-brown, terete, curved.
Fl. Per.: April- July
Lectotype (designated here): Kumaon, Wall. Cat. 5065 (K-W).
Distribution: Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, N. India, Nepal, Buthan, China (S. Tibet).