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Pakistan | Family List | Umbelliferae | Hydrocotyle

Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb., Dissert. 2: 415. t. 3. 1800. C.B. Clarke in Hook. f., I. c. ; Hiroe, 1. c.

Prostrate. Stem slender, rooting at the nodes. Leaves pubescent, reniform, 2-5 cm in diameter; lobes 7, triangular; margin crenate; upper part of the petioles densely pubescent. Flowers 10-30 in an umbel, compact. Petals white. Fruit suborbicular, 1.5 mm broad; surface rugulose, mottled.

Type: Java, Thunberg.

Distribution: Tropical Asia to Indonesia, Australia, Pacific Islands, China, Korea, Himalayas.

This species has not been collected from West Pakistan but it grows in the adjoining areas of Kashmir extending to the Eastern Himalayas from 600-2000 m.


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