Lonicera parvifolia sensu Edgew.
A dwarf shrub with prostrate or suberect branches. Leaves. 7-12 x 4-8 mm, obovate or elliptic, obtuse, base cuneate, glabrous to subglabrous; petiole very short, c. 3 mm long. Peduncle 2-6 mm long. Bracts longer than ovaries, linear-lanceolate. Bracteoles 1/3 length of ovary, connate, cup-like or partially free. Calyx limb minute, undulate. Corolla c. 10 mm long, tube distinctly gibbous at the base; lobes subequal, erect, yellow. Stamens subexserted. Style exserted. Berries connate, c. 4 nun long, subglobose with 2 apical calyx scars, bluish-black.
Fl. Per.: May-July.
Syntypes: Himalaya Occidental) temperate et subalpina: Kishtwar! Kunawar! alt. 8,000-13,000 ped., T. Thomson; Kumaon, alt. 12,500 ped.! Strachey & Winter-bottom; Sikkim, alt 11,000-14,000 ped! J. D. Hooker (K).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan Himalaya eastward to India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet.
Common in temperate and subalpine zone of Himalaya and Hindukush between 2500-4000 m. Superficially resembles L. myrtillus but differs in having a strongly gibbous yellow corolla, undulate calyx limb and bluish-black berries.