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Pakistan | Family List | Anacardiaceae | Pistacia

2. Pistacia khinjuk Stocks in J.D. Hooker, Kew J. Bot. 4:143. 1852. F. Yaltirik, l.c. 546; Rech. f., l.c. 6; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 458.

Vern.: ‘Ushgai, Buzgai’ (Baluch.).


Tree or shrub up to 6 m tall. Young shoots puberulous. Leaves imparipinnate. Leaflets 3-7 in number, coriaceous, opposite to subopposite, subsessile, 45-76 x 26-55 mm, ovate to ovate-oblong, glabrous (young leaves puberulous), apiculate or subacuminate, base often oblique; terminal leaflet larger than the laterals; rachis ± terete, sparsely puberulous. Panicles extra-axillary, suberect, 14-16(-22) cm long. Drupe 4-6 mm long, suborbicular in outline, compressed, apiculate, epicarp nervose, but not prominently so.

Fl. Per.: March-April.

Type: Baluchistan, Stocks 719 (K).

Distribution: Turkey, N. Iraq, N. Syria, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Found in dry rocky areas from 1524-2438 m.


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