Saraca asoca (Roxb.) de Wilde in Blumea. 15: 393. 1967. Zuijd. in Blumea 15: 422. 1967.
Vern.: Asok; Asoka, Ashoka.
Jonesia asoca Roxb.Saraca indica auct. non Linn.: Baker
Erect, small, evergreen tree. Leaves up to 30 cm long, stipulate, stipules intrapetiolar. Leaflets 4-6 pairs, c. 10-20 cm long, oblong, lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers in dense corymbs, changing colour from yellow to orange and finally scarlet. Bracts and bracteoles coloured. Calyx situated at the top of tubular (c. 12-17 mm) hypanthium; sepals 4, oval, petaloid. Petals absent. Stamens 4-8, exserted. Ovary stipitate, style curved into a ring, nearly as long as the stamens. Pod 15-25 cm long, dehiscent with 4-8 seeds.
Fl. Per.: Jan- May.
Distribution: Indigenous to Assam, E. Pakistan, Upper Burma, Malaya, Ceylon and South India; grown in gardens in Punjab.
The timber of common Saraca is used for house building purposes in the Northern part of Ceylon. The bark is used in uterine infections and as astringent in cases of internal haemorrhoids.
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