Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv., Ess. Agrost. 53, 161, 171. 1812. Blatter & McCann, Bombay Grasses 151.1935; Bor, Fl. Assam 5:244.1940; Sultan & Stewart, Grasses W. Pak. 1:43.1958; Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 311.1960; Bor in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 70:483.1970.
Panicum stagninum Retz.
Aquatic perennial, sometimes behaving as an annual or a biennial; culms spongy, 40-150 cm high, decumbent and rooting at the nodes. Leaf-blades 8-50 cm long, 6-10 mm wide; ligule a line of hairs; sheaths glabrous. Inflorescence narrowly lanceolate, rarely narrowly ovate, 7-20 cm long, typically ± open with the racemes secund and usually ascending; racemes simple, 2-6.5 cm long, coarsely spiculate. Spikelets ovate to broadly ovate or rounded, 3.5-5 mm long, pubescent to hispid, often from tubercles; lower lemma tapering to an awn up to 10 mm long; upper lemma 34 mm long.
Fl. & Fr. Per.: October-November, sometimes extending to February.
Type: India, Koenig..
Distribution: Pakistan (Sind); tropical Asia.
African material is now recognised as belonging to a separate species, Echinochloa scabra (Lam.) Roem. & Schult. It is characterised by its slightly longer, narrower spikelets.
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