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Pakistan | Family List | Solanaceae | Lycianthes

Lycianthes rantonnei (Carr.) Bitt., Abhandl. Naturw-Ver. Bremen. 24(2): 292-520. 1919. D’Arcy in Annals Miss. Bot. Gard. 61 (3): 864. 1974.


  • Solanum rantonnei Carr.
  • Solanum rantonnetii Carr. ex Lescuyer

    A shrub 1.5-2 m tall. Leaves 3-6 x 1.5-3.5 cm, glabrous to puberulous or scabrid. Flowers 1-5, in axillary fascicles, deep blue-purple. Calyx lobes linear, ± 2 mm long. Corolla limb 25-30 mm broad. Anthers yellow, oblong. Berry c. 20 mm broad, red.

    Fl. Per.: May-August.

    Type: Cultivated. France ex La Plata (P?).

    Distribution: A native of Argentine.

    The adoption of the proper specific epithet for this taxon has already been discussed by D’Arcy (1.c.). Occasionally cultivated in the plains and the hills. The drooping red berries are very ornamental. Propagated by cuttings.


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