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Pakistan | Family List | Umbelliferae | Schultzia

Schultzia dissecta (Clarke) Norman in Jour. Bot. Lond. 76: 231. 1938.

  • Ligusticum baltistanicum Wolff
  • Trachydium dissectum C.B. Clarke

    5-30 cm tall. Tap root thick. Stem base scaly or fibrous. Stem short or much reduced. Leaves petiolate, up to 8 cm long, radical and cauline, bipinnate; segments 2-3 mm long, linear to filiform. Peduncles 1 to 6, 2-2o cm long. Involuc¬re of 5-7 pinnately divided bracts with narrowly linear segments. Rays 8-15, glabrous. Involucel of 5-7 pinnate bractlets, as long as the flowering umbellet; segments filiform, acute. Calyx teeth minute. Fruit ovoid, 2-3 mm long, glab¬rous, dorsally sub-compressed; ridges prominent, obtuse; dorsal and interme¬diate furrows 3-4-vittate; commissure 6-8-vittate; stylopodium conical. Inner seed face slightly concave.

    Type: Sikkim, Tungu, Sept. 11, 1849, J. D. Hooker (K).

    Distribution: Himalayas in India and W. Pakistan from 3500 to 5000 m.


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  • Illustration (M.Y. Saleem)
  • Illustration

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