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Cassia italica ssp. italica

Cassia italica ssp. italica

Credit: Asad

A diffuse perennial herb, 30-90 cm tall, stem glabrous, pale green, branches glabrous except the young parts. Leaves 5-12 cm long, rachis glabrous, eglandular, petiole 1-3.5 cm long, stipules 6-7 mm long, leaflet 3-7 pairs, 1.8-3.5 cm long, 0.7-2 cm broad; broadly oblong or obovate, obtuse, mucronate, glabrous on both sides or sometimes puberulous beneath. Axillary peduncled raceme c. 6-23 cm, pedicel c. 2 mm long. Calyx 8-13 mm long, divided to the base, segments oblong, obtuse, membranous, veined. Petals 9-20 mm long, obovate to oblong, short clawed, yellow, reticulate with darker veins. Perfect stamens 7, unequal, 2 or 3 lowest larger, c. 8-14 mm long, Staminodes minute. Ovary densely hairy. Pods 2.5-4.5 cm long, c. 1.2-1.8 cm broad, flat, thin, papery, glabrous, rounded at both the ends, much recurved with a line of prominent longitudinal crest in the middle of the pod. Seeds 6-12, wedge shaped c. 6 mm long, c. 3 mm broad, finely reticu¬late, rugose, with a transverse ridge across the middle of each face, dark brown.

Type: Presently untraceable (Brenan, l.c., 240).

Distribution: W. Pakistan (Sind, Punjab, Baluchistan); Persia; Arabia; Israel; Middle East, Ethiopia, Sudan; Nigeria; West Tropical Africa, N. Africa (Brenan, l.c.).


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