Farsetia lsnearis Decaisne ex Boiss. in Ann. Sc. Nat., Ser. 2,17:150. 1842. Boiss., l.c. 158; Kitam, l.c., 151.
This North African and Arabian species has been recorded for W. Pakistan by Kitamura (l.c.). It very closely resembles F. hamiltonii Royle, but has short and very narrow siliquae and somewhat longer style. Hooker f. (1.c. 140) considered it conspecific with F. hamiltonii. Burtt and Lewis (in Kew Bull.495-498. 1949) considered the problem of this species along with other 3; they concluded that it is closely related to F. hamiltonii but is not present in India, W. Pakistan and Afghanistan. I have also not seen any authentic specimen of this species from our area.
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