Erysimum iranicum Bornm.
Small annual, 5-10 (-15) cm tall, branched mostly from below, appressedly hairy with 2-3-partite hairs. Leaves oblong-linear or oblanceolate, 15-50 mm long, 2-6 mm broad, lower stalked, upper sessile, mostly entire, obtuse, uppermost forming bracts. Racemes 10-15-flowered, up to 10 cm long in fruit. Flowers c. 4 mm across, yellow; pedicels inconspicuous, c. 1 (-2) mm long in fruit, thickened, ascending; bracts leafy. Sepals 3-3.5 mm long. Petals c. 5 mm long, 1 mm broad. Stamens c. 3:4 mm long; anthers c. 0.7 mm long. Siliquae subcylindrical-linear, 20-30 mm long, 1 mm broad, appressedly hairy; valves with a mid-vein; stigma capitate, bilobed, subsessile or sessile; seeds c. 1 mm long, ellipsoid.
Fl. Per.: April-May.
Lectotype: Pakistan, Quetta, sandy plains, W. Griffith 300 (G).
Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Differs from the previous species by its inconspicuous pedicel, slightly smaller flowers and short, ascending siliquae and racemes mostly bracteate. However, in young stages the two species may be confused with each other. Rech. f. (l.c. 304 and 305) cited Lace 3632 under both the species, perhaps by oversight.
It has hairs like those in the previous species and siliquae with short pedicels like those in the following species.