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Pakistan | Family List | Fumariaceae | Corydalis

Corydalis govaniana var. govaniana

Vern. Bhutkis.

Corydalis govaniana var. govaniana

Credit: Azmat

Racemes 5-10 cm long, increasing up to 15 cm in fruit; lower bracts 20-40 (-50) mm long, and about half as broad, wedge-shaped, or much dissected. Cauline leaves similar to radical leaves but smaller.

Fl.Per.: June-Aug.

Type: N. W. Himalaya, Kumaon, Govan (K).

Distribution: N. W. Himalaya, Kashmir, and Pakistan.

The cauline leaves mentioned in some publications as “1-2, above the middle of the stem” are perhaps actually a reference to sterile bracts which are a part of the inflorescence. Its rootstock are of medicinal importance (Basu & Kritikar l.c. 1:136).


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