Berberis parkeriana Schneid. in Fedde, Repert. Sp. Nov. 11:162. 1912. Parker, l.c. 14; Ahrendt in J. Bot. Lond. 80 (Suppl.):105.1944; in J.Linn. Soc. Bot.57:89.1961.
Shrub, very similar to Berberis lyceum Royle but leaves usually greenish below, epapillose and berries slightly larger, pruinose black-blue. Racemes usually subfascicled, with lower flowers having longer pedicels. Berries 8-9 (-10) mm long, 6-7 mm broad, broadly obovoid to suborbicular; style 1 mm long.
Syntypes: Pakistan, Hazara, Bagnolar Reserve, 1910, flower, Parker, (W,K); Abbottabad, 1910, fruits, Parker (W).
Distribution: Pakistan and Kashmir.
Same vernacular name and uses as that of Berberis lyceum Royle. A most common Berberis in our northern hills, quite variable and with integrading forms very close to Berberis lycium.
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