Berberis pachyacantha subsp. zabeliana (Schneider) Jafri, stat. nov..
Vern.: Simlu, Simu.
Berberis zabeliana* Schneider
Differs from the type subspecies by the smaller flowers on shorter pedicels (4-8 mm long), petals 3 mm long, c. 2 mm broad, slightly shorter than the inner sepals. Spines 1-3(-5)-fid, 5-10(-20) mm long, sometimes absent.
Fl. Per.: April June.
Type: Kashmir, Falconer 95(K).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir.
Looks very similar to Berberis brandisiana Ahrendt, but ovary only 2-ovuled. A plant of dry open places and gregarious.
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