Sophora secundiflora (Ortega) DC., Cat. Hort. Monsp. 148. 1813. Parker, For.Fl.Punj.ed.3.169. 1956.
Broussonetia secundiflora OrtegaCalia secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovl.
Evergreen shrub or small tree, bark smooth, young shoots pubescent, hairs white. Leaf imparipinnately compound, 10-15 cm long; leaflets 7-9, c. 3-5 cm long, c. 2-2.8 cm broad, obovate, coriaceous leathery shining; petiolule c. 3 mm long. Inflorescence a terminal raceme, 5-7.5 cm long. Flowers fragrant. Pedicel c. 7.5 mm long. Calyx c. 7.5 mm long, silky, 5-lobed. Vexillum c. 12- 13 mm long. Fruit c. 2.5-17.5 cm long, c. 1.2-1.9 mm broad, pubescent, constricted between the seeds. Seeds bright scarlet.
Fl.Per.: March
Cultivated in Kinnaird College, Lahore; native of Texas and Mexico.
A slow growing, ornamental plant; cultivated in gardens.
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