Astragalus neubauerianus Sirjaev & Rechinger fil. in Biol. Skr.Dan. Vid.Selsk. 9(3):76. 1957.
Astragalus barbicalyx AliAstragalus kurrumensis BungeAstragalus neoverticillatus KitamuraAstragalus verticillaris Bunge
Perennial herb, stem much reduced, c. 2 cm long, pubescent, hairs appressed. Leaf imparipinnately compound, c. 12 cm long. Leaflets verticillate, 3-7 whorls, each whorl generally with 6 leaflets, c. 1 cm long, c. 1 mm broad, linear, obtuse, pubescent on both the sides, hairs appressed; stipules c. 1 cm long, free, pilose. Pedicel c. 1 mm long, pilose. Calyx c. 14-16 mm long, densely pubescent, hairs spreading, teeth c. 5-5.5 mm long. Vexillum c. 16-20 mm long, glabrous. Wing c. 15-19 mm long. Keel c. 12.5-16.5 mm long. Ovary densely pubescent, stipitate. Fruit c. 21-24 mm long, c. 6-7 mm broad, uniformly pubescent, partially bilocular, 8-seeded.
Fl.Per: April-May.
Holotype: Baraki Nawor, 10.5.1949, Neubauer 1949/21 (W).
Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan, N.W.F. Province); Afghanistan.
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