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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Astragalus

Astragalus purpurascens Bunge, Astrag. 1:35. 1868. 2:43.1869; Ali in Biologia 7:61.1961.

Perennial herb, root woody; aerial stem almost absent. Leaf imparipinnately compound, petiole c. 1.5-7.0 cm long, pilose, rachis (excluding the petiole) c. 4.5-10 cm long, pilose; leaflets 39-87, opposite to subopposite, from the base progressively increasing and then decreasing in size, middle leaflets c. 7-12 mm long, c. 2-6 mm broad, mostly conduplicate, entire, tip obtuse, villous below, glabrous above, petiolule less than 1 mm long, villous; stipules c. 5-10 mm long, ciliate at the margins. Inflorescence a 3-5-flowered axillary cluster; peduncle c. 8 mm long, villous; bracts c. 10 mm long, pilose externally; pedicel c. 4 mm long, pubescent. Calyx c. 14-18 mm long, pilose, teeth c. 3-4 mm long. Corolla yellow. Vexillum c. 24-25 mm long. Fruit c. 18-27 mm long (immature), c. 11-17 mm broad (pressed), villous to sericeous, sessile.

Fl.Per.: April.

Lectotype: Afghanistan, Griffith 1581 (K).

Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan, N.W.F. Province); Afghanistan.


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