Astragalus maxwellii Royle ex Benth. in Royle, Illustr.Bot.Himal. Mount. 198. 1835. All in Kew Bull.1958:308.1958; in Biologia 7:45.1961.
Astragalus ciliolatus Benth. ex Bunge
Stem erect, hollow, c. 30-60 cm or more tall, glabrous. Leaf imparipinnately compound, c. 15-23 cm long, leaflets 17-19, c. 1.2-4.0 cm long, obtuse, sparsely white-pubescent below, becoming glabrescent; stipules c. 6-13 mm long, lanceolate or deltoid, free. Inflorescence apeduncled raceme. Bracts linear. Calyx c. 9-10 mm long, pubescent, teeth c. 4.5-5 mm long. Vexillum c. 17-19 mm long, glabrous. Keel shorter than the wing and the vexillum. Fruit c. 2.5-2.6 cm long, pubescent, bilocular, 8-10-seeded, stipe c. 9-10 mm long.
Fl.Per.: June July.
Holotype: Kashmir, Chandow Pass, Maxwell (LIV).
Distribution: Kashmir, 6000-13000 ft.
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