Astragalus squarrosus Bunge, Astrag. 1:129. 1868. 2:226. 1869; Boiss, Fl. Or. 2:487. 1872; Ali in Kew Bull. 1958: 315. 1958; in Biologia 7:72. 1961.
Astragalus macrobotrys Bunge
Perennial undershrub, root woody. Stem erect c. 20-80 cm. Leaf imparipinnately compound, petiole c. 3-10-(25) mm long, sericeous, rachis (excluding petiole) c. 2-5-(18) mm long, sericeous; leaflets c. 3-5, c. 7-25 mm long, c. 2-4 mm broad, elliptic, entire, acute, appressly pubescent on both sides, petiolule less than 1 mm long; stipules membranous, amplexicaul; rachis often becomes spiny. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal pedunculate raceme, peduncle c. 1-4-(8) cm long, sericeous, bract c. 1.5 mm long, pubescent; pedicel c. 1.0 mm long, pubescent. Calyx c. 8 mm long, pubescent, teeth c. 1.5-2.0 mm long. Corolla pink to magenta. Vexillum c. 11-13 mm long. Fruit c. 5-9 mm long, covered with white spreading hairs; stipe less than 1 mm.
Fl.Per.: June.
Lectotype: D-4 Peeshee Bhent, Gundooa Pass, Stocks 761 (K).
Distribution: Pakistan (Baluchistan); Afghanistan; Persia; Russia, (Buchara, Transcaspian region).
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