Astragalus sykesiae N.D. Simpson in Kew Bull. 1913: 40. 1913. Ali in Kew Bull. 1958: 316. 1958; in Biologia 7:76. 1961.
Perennial herb, root woody, stern much reduced. Leaf imparipinnately compound, petiole c. 1.7-4 cm long, sericeous, rachis (excluding the petiole) c. 6 cm or less long; leaflets 7-15, lateral leaflets mostly opposite, petiolule less than 1 mm, lamina c. (3.5)-6-13 mm long, c. 2.5-11 mm broad, obovate to orbicular, entire, obtuse to retuse, mucronate, sericeous. Stipules imbricate, up to 6-7 mm long. Inflorescence an axillary pedunculate raceme, peduncle c. 4-12 cm long, appressly puebescent. Bracts c. 3.0-4 mm long. Calyx c. 9-15 mm long, pubescent, hairs white and black, teeth c. 4-6 mm long. Vexillum c. 11-24 mm long. Ovary subsessile, pilose, 3-4-ovulate, Mature fruit not seen.
Fl.Per.: April-May.
Holotype: Khorasan, Sykes 112, Herb. Sykes (untraceable).
Pencil drawing of holotype made by M. Smith and the diagram of the floral parts by N.D. Simpson along with 1 dissected flower is present at Kew.
Distribution: Pakistan, Baluchistan; Persia, Khorasan.
Recently Rechinger f. and Dulfer (Sitz. Osterr. Akad. Wissen. Math.-nat. Kl., Abt. 1.177. Bd. 4. bis 7:89-132. 1969) have reduced Astragalus maculatus Bunge 1868 (non Lam 1783), Astragalus holdichianus Aitch. & Baker, Astragalus sykesiae Simpson, Astragalus submaculatus Boiss. and Astragalus superfluus Rech. f. & Koie to synonymy under Astragalus mercklinii Boiss. & Bushe. I think Astragalus sykesiae Simpson and Astragalus holdichianus Aitch. & Baker are distinct species and it is not possible to uphold the view of Rechinger f. and Dulfer in this connection.