Astragalus sp._B
Stem small, c. 2 cm long, internodes 2-3 mm long, covered by appressed white hairs. Leaf imparipinnately compound, petiole 13-17 mm long, white-pubescent, hairs appressed biramous, mostly white. Leaflets 5-11, up to 10 mm long and 3 mm broad, elliptic, entire, obtuse, pilose, hairs white, appressed. Stipules lateral, c. 1.5 mm long. Inflorescence a pedunculate lax raceme, peduncle up to 5.5 cm long, white pubescent. Bracts c. 1 mm long, pubescent. Pedicel 1-1.5 mm long, white-pubescent. Calyx 8-9 mm long, pubescent, hairs white, with a few black hairs, teeth upper 2.5 mm long, lower c. 4 mm long. Vexillum c. 12 mm long. Stigma globular, not penicillate. Fruit linear 16-17 mm long (immature), pubescent, hairs white.
Fl.Per.: July.
Distribution: Chitral.
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