Vicia monantha Retz., Obs.Bot. 3:39. 1783. Burtt & P.Lewis in Kew Bull.1949:497.1950; All in Bot.Notiser 120:47.1967.
Vicia cinerea M.Bieb.Vicia griffithii BakerVicia monantha ssp. cinerea (M.Bieb.) Maire
Procumbent to erect annual, stern pubescent, hairs appressed. Leaf pinnately compound, leaflets 8-16, 5-30 mm long, 1-8 mm broad, narrowly linear to oblanceolate or oblong-elliptic, obtuse, minutely pubescent; stipules subhastate, bipartite to sparsely dentate; tendril simple or branched. Inflorescence an axillary peduncled raceme, 1-5 flowered. Calyx 3-6 mm long, pubescent, mouth oblique, teeth unequal, shorter than the tube. Corolla violet to blue. Vexillum 10-15 mm long. Fruit 20-35 mm long, 6-8.5 mm broad, oblong-linear, glabrous, 4-6-seeded.
Fl.Per.: February-April.
Type: In Herb. Stockholm.
Distribution: Pakistan; Afghanistan; Persia; Arabia; Iraq; Caucasus; Cyprus; Morocco; Turkey.
Our plants conform to Vicia monantha ssp. monantha. Vicia monantha ssp.triflora (Ten.) Burtt & Lewis occurs in Spain, Algeria and Egypt.
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