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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Vicia

Vicia narbonensis Linn., Sp.Pl. 737. 1753. Baker in Hook.f.,Fl.Brit. Ind.2:179. 1876; Ali in Bot.Notiser 120:50.1967; U.Plitmann in Davis, Fl.Turk.3 :321.1970.

Annual, suberect, stem subglabrous to hirsute. Leaf paripinnately compound, leaflets 4-8, lower leaf generally with 2-4 leaflets; leaflets 1.0-4.5 cm long, c. 7-25 mm broad, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate to obovate, minutely dentate, pilose at the margin; stipules entire to dentate or incised, semihastate to semiorbicular; tendrils simple or branched. Inflorescence a subsessile 1-6-flowered raceme. Calyx 8-13 mm long, mouth slightly oblique, teeth unequal, half as long as the tube. Corolla purple or lilac tinged with cream. Vexillum 16-30 mm long. Fruit 3.5-6.0 cm long, 8-12 mm broad, linear oblong with recurved beak, somewhat tubercled, pubescent to glabrescent, 4-7-seeded.

Fl.Per.: March.

Type: Described from France, untraceable. See Ali (l.c.) for discussion.

Distribution: Pakistan; Kashmir; Russia; Central Asia; S.Europe, N.Africa. Cultivated as source of fodder and green manure.


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