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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae | Vicia

Vicia rigidula Royle, Illustr.Bot.Himai.Mount. 200. 1835. Baker in Hook. f.,Fl.Brit.lnd.2:178.1876; Ali in Bot.Notiser 120:54.1967.

  • Lathyrus himalensis Camb.
  • Vicia pseudocassubica Rech.f.

    Climber, stem subglabrous to finely pubescent. Leaf pinnately compound, leaflets 10-14, 15-25 mm long, c. 10 mm broad, oblong-ovate, obtuse, mucronate, glabrous above, finely silky below; stipules semihastate, deeply toothed. Inflorescence an axillary, peduncled raceme, peduncle 5-7.5 cm long. Pedicel up to 5 mm long. Calyx 4.5-6 mm long, glabrous, lower teeth 1.5-2.0 mm, upper 0.5 mm long. Corolla whitish cream turning orange or reddish. Vexillum 12-15 mm long. Fruit linear, glabrous, 5-6-seeded, stipe 4.5-6 mm long.

    Fl.Per.: July-August.

    Type: ‘Hab.Rogee in Kunawar’, Royle-untraceable.

    Distribution: Pakistan; India.


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