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Pakistan | Family List | Orobanchaceae | Orobanche

Orobanche hirtiflora (Reut.) Burkill, List. Fl. Pl. Baluch. 57. 1909. rep. ed. 76.1956; Tzvel. in Kom., Fl. URSS. 23:59. 1958; Schi.-Czeika in Rech. f., l.c. 8, 1, fig. 1; R.R. Stewart, l.c. 672.

  • Phelipaea aegyptiaca var. tricholoba (Reut.) G. Beck
  • Phelipaea hirtiflora Reut.
  • Phelipaea tricholoba Reut.

    Biennial or perennial, 20-40 cm tall, glandular-papillose, simple or branched, scales 10-18 mm long. Spikes up to 20 cm long. Bracts shorter than the calyx; bracteoles free, about as long as the calyx. Flowers erect. Calyx campanulate, 10-14 (-20) mm long, 4-toothed; teeth lanceolate-linear, acuminate, longer than tube. Corolla tubular-infundibuliform, 25-30 mm long, pale blue; lobes ovate, acute with densely ciliate margins. Stamen filaments glabrous; anthers glabrous to pilose. Style-glandulose; stigma retuse, bilobed.

    Type: Southern Iran, Kotschy 408 (G,W).

    Distribution: Caucasus, Iran and Pakistan.

    In appearance very much like Orobanche orientalis G. Beck, but flowers longer, bracteoles free, and corolla lobes acute. Also resembles Orobanche coelestis (Rent.) Beck but calyx segments acute, not filiform.


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