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Pakistan | Family List | Malvaceae | Hibiscus

Hibiscus obtusilobus Garcke, Bot. Zeit. 7:837. 1849. Stewart in Nasir & Ali, l.c. 479.

  • Hibiscus amblyocarpus Hochst. ex Webb
  • Hibiscus laguneoides Edgew.
  • Hibiscus punctatus Dalz.

    Annual, suffruticose, usually stellate pubescent, glutinous, 20-60 cm tall herb, young branches sometimes stiff hairy. Leaves 1.5-7 cm long, 1-11 cm broad, pellucid-punctate or not, ovate, entire or 3-fid to sect, or obscurely lobed, sinuses narrow or broad, rounded, at base truncate to cordate, at apex obtuse or acute, margin undulate, coarsely serrate or crenate, stellate pubescent on both sides; lobes oblong, the central one largest; petiole 1-6 cm long; stipules filiform-linear, 4-8 mm long. Flowers axillary, solitary or many on terminal branches; pedicel 2-9 cm long, articulate near the top, with stiff stellate or mixed with simple tubercled hairs. Epicalyx segments 8-10, free or slightly fused at base, linear-oblong, 5-8 mm long, 1 mm broad, acute, erect, finally reflexed. Calyx free to the middle, 8-10 mm long, in fruit up to 1.5 cm, stellate pubescent without, simple and appressed hairy within; lobes lanceolate, long acuminate, 3-6 mm broad. Corolla c. 1.5 cm across, pinkish; petals obovate, 1.5 cm long, 8-10 mm broad. Staminal column included. Capsule equalling the calyx, 6-9 mm cross, oblong, simple, tubercled hairy, more so and long towards top, beaked. Seeds 3-4 in each cell, black, verruculose, reniform.

    Type: (B).

    Distribution: India, Pakistan and Ethiopia. In Pakistan it is quite common in Sind.


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