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Pakistan | Family List | Malvaceae | Abutilon

Abutilon ramosum (Cay.) Guill.& Perr. in Guill. et al, Fl.Senegamb. Tent. 1:68. 1831. Mast. in Hook.f.,l.c.328; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, Ann. Cat.Vasc.Pl.W.Pak. & Kash. 477.1972.

  • Abutilon elaeocarpoides Webb
  • Abutilon sidoides Gibs.
  • Abutilon sparmanoides Guill. & Perr
  • Sida ramosa Cay.

    Perennial, 1-2 m tall herb or shrubby. Branches stellulate tomentose mixed with simple, spreading weak hairs. Leaves with 3-10 cm long, pubescent petiole; stipules 6-10 mm long, filiform-linear, hairy; blade 3-13 cm long, 2-11 cm broad, chartaceous, broadly ovate, acuminate, cordate at base, coarsely crenate or serrate up to the base, stellulate pubescent to glabrescent on both sides, sometimes 3-angular. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or paired or divided above dichotomously (once or twice, each into two) as in cyme; peduncle 1.5-4.5 cm long, tomentose and mixed with a few simple, weak, spreading hairs; pedicel in solitary 3-4 cm long, articulate above the middle, in cyme 3-6 mm long, articulate in the middle or above or without articulation. Calyx 5-7 mm long, fused up to the middle; lobes detoid-ovate, acuminate-cuspidate, 3-5. mm broad, pubescent, viscid. Corolla yellow, ± 1.5 cm across; petals 10-12 mm long. Staminal column very short, puberulous. Fruit cylindric, ± 8 mm long (excluding awns), 5-6 mm broad, stellate pubescent, slightly viscid; mericarps c. 10, each with c. 2 mm long, somewhat spreading awns, 3-4 mm broad. Seeds 24 per mericarp, brown-black, 1.5-2 mm across.

    Holotype: Senegal, Adanson (MA, Photo.!). Isotype: (P!).

    Distribution: Tropical Africa, India and Pakistan.


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