Abutilon fruticosum Guill.& Perr. in Guill. et al, Fl. Senegamb. Tent. 1:70. 1831. Boiss., l.c.836; Mast. in Oliver, Fl.Trop.Afr.1:187.1 E67; in Hook.f., l.c. 328; Stewart in Nasir & Ali, l.c. 476.
A much branched stellulate, velutinous, hoary to cinereous, sometimes young parts somewhat brownish, up to 1 m tall perennial herb or undershrub. Leaves with 0.5-5 cm long petiole; stipules filiform, 3-5 mm long; blade 1-8 cm 1.7 cm broad, cordate at base, usually acute at apex, subentire to denticulate sometimes deeply and coarsely serrate, lanceolate to broad ovate or orbicular ovate. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicel 0.5-5 cm long, very thin, slender, sometimes wiry, articulate near the flower. Calyx divided to or below the middle, 4-6 mm long; lobes lanceolate to ovate, acute-acuminate, pubescent on both sides. Corolla pale yellow, 9-12 mm across; petals 5-7 mm long, 3-4 mm broad, obovate. Staminal column very short, stellate pubescent. Fruit cylindric 7-8 -10) mm long, 5-6 (-8) mm broad, truncate, umblicate; mericarps (8-) 10 -11), c. 5 mm broad, pubescent all over, pointed. Seeds 3 per mericarp, dark brown, c. 2 mm across, dotted with minute, white or brown hairs.
Holotype: Sargodha Dist.: c. 1 mile from Katwai on way to Khoshab, flowers yellow, erect, 45-60 cm tall, M. Qaiser2623 (KUH); Isotype (KUH).
Distribution: Pakistan, Ethopia & Somaliland.
Latin Diagnoses
Herba perennis, 45-80 cm longa. Folia brevia, orbiculato-ovata; flores axillares, solitarii, pedicellis gracelibus, filiformibus, tantum 0.4 mm crassis. Praeterea similis varietati praecedenti.
This species can be divided in the following 3 varieties on the basis of shape, size and hairs of leaves and thickness of pedicels.