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Pakistan | Family List | Malvaceae | Abutilon

Abutilon pakistanicum Jafri & Ali in Jafri, Fl.Kar. 220. 1966.

  • Abutilon cornutum Dalzell ex Cooke

    Erect, 20 cm to 1 m tall undershrub. Branches stellulate tomentose and weak, spreading dense, simple hairs, leaves with 1-9 cm long, pubescent, petiole; stipules 3-7 mm long, linear, pubescent; blade 2-8 cm across, almost orbicular, entire or minutely toothed, generally obtuse, at base rounded or cordate, stellulate velutinous on both sides, more so beneath, cinerascens, 7-9 nerved nerves impressed above, very prominent beneath, specially towards base. Flowers axillary, solitary or terminal racemes by reduction of leaves; pedicel 0.7-1 long, accrescent in fruit, up to 2 cm, pubescent, articulate near the apex. Calyx 7-10 mm long, free nearly to the base, stellate pubescent without; simple within; lobes lanceolate to ovate, 4-5 mm broad, cuspidate. Corolla pale yellow-yellow, 1-1.2 cm across; petals obovate, 7-9 mm long, 5-7 mm broad. Staminal column very short, stellate hairy. Ovary globose, 2-3 mm across, stellate pubescent. Fruit ovoid, 1 cm or more across; mericarps c. 10, c. 8 mm broad, stellate pubescent all over, with 1 mm long awn. Seeds 3 per mericarp, c.2 mm across, furfuraceous dotted.

    Holotype: India, Sind, erect, 2 ft. high, flower in the evening, flowers, spreading, flat, 9 line in diameter, Aug. 1858 Dalzell. s.n. (K!).

    Distribution: It is endemic to Pakistan.

    It is slightly a variable species. Leaves entire to minutely toothed, obtuse or somewhat acute.


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