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Pakistan | Family List | Malvaceae | Abutilon

Abutilon figarianum Webb, Fragm.Fl.Aelb.-Aegypt. 52. 1854.

Perennial herb or undershrub, up to 2 m tall, stellate tomentose mixed with short, simple, spreading hairs, claimy. Leaves 1-4 cm across, orbicular ovate to orbicular, denticulate, cordate at base, obtuse or acute at apex, velvety on both sides, cinereous; stipules lanceolate, 5.9 mm long, c. 2 mm broad, reflexed; petiole 0.5-6 cm long, stellate pubescent mixed with short, weak, simple spreading hairs. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicel 1-2 cm long, in fruit up to 3 cm, articulate near the middle to near the apex. Calyx 6.10 mm long, fused to the middle; lobes ovate or lanceolate, acuminate, stellate pubescent outside, sericeous inside. Corolla 3 cm across, orange-yellow or yellow; petals obovate, c. 1.5 cm long and broad, claw hairy on the margin. Staminal column 5-8 mm long, stellate pubescent at the base. Fruit somewhat rounded, 10-15 cm across, stellate pubescent; mericarps 17-20, rounded or with a small mucro at the back. Seeds 2-3 in each mericarp, reniform, 2-2.5 cm across, pubescent, brown.

Isotype: Abutilon gravcolens Hochst. in sched. In cordofano ad montem Arsch-Cool in locis siccis. Kotschy 180 (K!;E!).

Distribution: Pakistan and Tropical Africa.

It occurs in the coastal region of Baluchistan.


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