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Pakistan | Family List | Malvaceae | Abutilon

Abutilon ghafoorianum S. Abedin

Undershrub to shrub, 0.5-1.5 cm tall, stellate pubescent, simple hairs lacking except at the top of petiole. Leaves 3-8 cm long and broad, membranous, green above, cinereous below, deeply cordate at base, acute or acuminate at apex, subentire to coarsely and irregularly serrate or crenate, 7-9-nerved, rarely 3-angular; stipule 3-4 mm long; petiole 3-9 cm long, stellate tomentose mixed with simple spreading hairs at the top. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicel in fruit 3-6 cm long. Calyx in fruit c. 1 cm long, fused to the middle, reflexed. Fruit truncate, ± 1.5 cm across, at maturity spreading stellately; mericarps 15-18, 10-14 mm long 7-10 mm broad with 1-2 mm long, mucro at the back, dehiscing before separating from the central axis. Seeds 3 in each mericarp, 2-2.5 mm across, reniform, dark brown, verruculosus.

Holotype: Sahiwal Dist.: 1 mile from Chichawatni on way to Sahiwal, along roadside, soil wet, sandy clay, 1.5 m tall shrub, with fruits only 8.7.1971. S.Abedin 7508 (KUH).

Latin Diagnoses

Suffrutex usque ad fruiticem, pilis stellatis obtectus praeter apicem petiolis pillis simplicibus. Folia chartacea, supra virida, infra cinerea, subintegra vel grosseque et irregulariter serrata vel crenata. Mericarpia 15-18, ad maturitatem stellato expensa, dehiscentia post separationem axis centralis.

The fruits of this species are similar to those of Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet before the dehiscence of mericarps. The present species, however, readily differs in the absence of simple hairs (present only at the top of petiole). The leaves are membranous, subentire to coarsely and irregularly serrate or crenate. Mericarps spreading stellately at maturity and dehisce before separating from the central axis. While in Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet simple hairs are present at least on all the young parts. Leaves not membranous, usually serrate. Mericarps remain erect at maturity and dehisce after separating from the central axis.


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