4b. Androsace aizoon ssp. brirensis Y. Nasir, ssp. nov.
Folia laze rosulata, 30-44 x 6-7 mm, margine sparse setoso-ciliata. Scapus 1-1.3 mm latus, 3-8-florus, patens. Pedicelli fructiferi subaequales, 15-44 mm longi. Calyx usque ad duas partes fissue; lobi acuti, 2.2-2.6 mm longi.
Leaves in loose rosettes, 30-44 x 6-7 mm, margin sparse setose-ciliate. Scapes 1-1.3 mm broad, 3-8-flowered, spreading. Pedicels subequal in fruit, 15-44 mm long. Calyx 2/3 rd cleft; lobes acute, 2.2-2.6 mm long.
Fl. Per.: June-August.
Holotype: Brir, 7000', 28.7.1954, M.A. Siddiqi & A.R. Beg s.n. (RAW).
Distribution: Lower Chitral and Astor area (Gilgit).
In addition to the characters in the key, there is also some difference in the length of the hairs confined to the calyx lobe margin, where on the average they are longer in the ssp. brirensis. Occasionally some hairs may be 1-3 proliferate on the calyx and bracts; the scapes here are spreading (not erect), and bract narrower than those of the Type subspecies. A.H. Khan's gatherings from the Astor area are diminutive specimens with the small scapes markedly spreading.