Androsace sarmentosa var. foliosa (Dcne. ex Duby) Hook.f.
A perennial stoloniferous plant. Stolons stout, 30-50 x 2-3 mm, dark brown. Inner leaves 2-11.5 x 1.1-3.4 (-5.0) cm, elliptic-cuneate or elliptic-ovate, outer-most leaves smaller, usually ovate-oblong, ciliate, acute or obtuse, pilose-pubescent, lighter coloured on the under surface, glabrate at length. Scape 5.5-22.5 cm long, stout or slender, (7-) 20-55-flowered, villous to pubescent and sparse glandular. Bracts 6-10 (-17) mm long, lanceolate, inner narrower, villous. Pedicel 10-15 mm long, up to 18 mm in fruit, slender, villous-glandular. Calyx 3.2-4 mm long, broad campanulate, pubescent-glandular; lobes 1.5 mm long, ovate-obuse. Corolla tube ± equalling the calyx; limb 7.5-11 mm broad; lobes obovate to suborbiculate, c. 3.5 mm long; throat exannulate. Ovary subglobose, style less than 1 mm long, stigma capitate. Capsule subglobose, exceeding the calyx. Seeds (3-) 4-6 in number, ovoid-angular, 1.1-2.5 mm long, brown-vesiculose.
Fl. Per.: mid June-August.
Holotype: Ind. Or. a vernagne ad Higum, alt. 9000 po., Jacquemont 782 (P!).
Distribution: N.W. Himalaya, Kurram and Dir (Pakistan).
The species is fairly common in the N.W. Himalaya and is found in forest shade and clearings from 2300-3200 m. Not common in Kurram. R.R. & I.D. Stewart’s 3932 from Changla Gall (Hazara) has a proliferation of bracts which appear quite leafy.