11. Androsace villosissima (Knuth) Y. Nasir, stat. nov.
Androsace villosa var. villosissina Knuth
Plant ± robust, compact. Rhizome woody, up to 4.5 mm thick. Leaves densely villous. Hairs 0.53-1.54 mm long. Scape up to 7 mm long, 3-7-flowered. Bract 5-6 mm long, lanceolate. Calyx 3 mm long, ½ cleft, hemisphaeric. Corolla limb c. 7 mm broad, lobes 2.5-3 mm long, entire, with a few hairs to the outside.
Fl. Per.: June.
Type: mt. Sikaram, 11500-13000', in June 12th 1880, Aitchison 97 (BM, iso. K! GH!).
Distribution: Known from the Type locality only.
The species is related to Androsace robusta, but differs in having a woody rhizome and being densely villous. It is also quite distinct in having a heavier seed with a prominent hilum scar. Knuth (l.c. 192) mentions a Heldreich specimen from Greece as agreeing to it. I have not been able to verify this.
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