13. Androsace lowariensis Y. Nasir, sp. nov.
Planta laxa caespitosa stolonifera. Stolones ± 1 mm lati. Foliorum rosulae 6-17 mm inter se distantes, laxae, ± planae, 8-17 mm latae. Folia isomorpha, 5-11 x 1.5-2 mm, elliptico-lanceolata, acuta, pallide viridia, carinata, parce glanduloso-pilosa. Pili longiores 0.2-0.58 mm longi, articulati, albi, aeque dispersi, pili breviores glanduloso-stipitati. Folia vetustiora (exteriora) demum stramineobrunnea, apice pilis paucis longis saepe instructa. Scapus 12-24 mm longus, 3-8-glorus, glanduloso-pilosus. Bracteae 4-5 mm longae, elliptico-ovatae usque ellipticae, glanduloso-pilosae. Pedicellus c. 2.7 mm longus. Calyx 3 mm longus, campanulatus, usque ad dimidium fissus, glanduloso-pilosus, lobis triangulari-ovatis, subacutis. Corollae limbus 6.5-7 mm latus, lobis integris vel sinuatus. Fructus non visus.
A loose caespitose stoloniferous plant. Stolons ± 1 mm broad. Leaf rosettes 6-17 mm apart, loose, ± flat, 8-17 mm broad. Leaves isomorphic, 5-11 x 1.5-2 mm, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, pale green, carinate, sparsely glandular-hairy. Longer hairs 0.2-0.58 mm long, articulate, white and equally spaced; shorter ones glandular-stipitate. Older and outer leaves turning straw yellow-brown, apex often with a few long hairs. Scape 12-24 mm long, 3-8-flowered, glandular-hairy. Bracts 4-5 mm long, elliptic-ovate to elliptic, glandular-hairy. Pedicel c. 2.7 mm long. Calyx 3 mm long, campanulate, ½ cleft, glandular-hairy; lobes triangular-ovate, subacute. Corolla limb 6.5-7 mm broad, lobes entire to wavy. Fruit not seen.
Fl. Per.: June.
Holotype: Chitral, 11000', Harriss 16352 (WU, iso. BM! K!).
Distribution: Known from the type locality only.
The type specimen bears no precise locality, but Harriss must have collected this plant from Lowari Pass as his collection nos. 16351 and 16353, (both pertaining to primulaceous taxa), are from the same area.
An early reference to this plant is made by Handel-Mazzetti (l.c. 1927, p. 286) with the remark that ‘…………the plant does not appear to be matched with others of the ‘villosa’ group from the Himalaya. He allied it to the Chinese Androsace brachystegia Handel-Mazzetti which according to him differs in the eglandulose nature with stronger hairs and a different umbel.
The species apart from being related to Androsace ojhorensis, also resembles Androsace podlechii Wendelbo (Type: Takkar: Khost-o-Ferang, slopes N.E. of the Yawnu pass, towards the upper Kala vy., 3100 m, Podlech 11741, iso. G!), but differs from that species in having smaller and less bright green leaves, shorter hairs and scape, calyx lobes subacute and smaller corolla parts.