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20. Androsace hazarica R.R. Stewart ex Y. Nasir, sp. nov.


Planta perennis stolonifera. Stolones juniores 40-70 x 1-1.5 mm, praesertim ad basin surculi pubescenti-villosi, demum glabrati. Foliorum rosulae laxae, c. 7.5 cm latae. Folia isomorpha, exteriora minora, 32-57 x 4-5.5 mm, lineari-lanceolata, glabra, margine setoso-ciliata, crassiuscula, apice acuta. Scapi 22-28 cm longi, (7-) 10-20 (-22) flori, graciles, glandulosi, ad basin inflorescentiae villosi. Bracteae 6-9 (-11) mm longae, lanceolatae vel elliptico-lanceolatae, glandulosae. Pedicelli longiores, 14-14.5 (-29) mm longi, bracteis 1.5-3-plo longiores, graciles, glandulosi. Flores rosei. Calyx 3.5–4 mm longus, turbinatus, vix ad dimidiam partem fissus, glandulosus; lobi 1.5–2 mm longi, triangulari-ovati. Corollae limbus 9.5–10.5 mm latus; lobi obovati, 3.5–5 mm longi, retusi; fauce vix annulato. Antherae subsessiles, obtusae. Ovarium depressee globosum, 1.9 mm latum; stylus 1 mm longus, stigmate capitato. Capsula calycem leviter superans. Semina 4–6 pro capsuli, c. 2 mm longa, its Androsace himalaicae similia, sed papillis minoribus.

A perennial stoloniferous plant. Young stolons 40–70 x 1–1.5 mm, pubescent-villous, especially at the shoot bases, glabrate at length. Leaf rosettes loose, c. 7.5 cm broad. Leaves isomorphic, outer ones smaller, 32–57 x 4–5.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, glabrous, margin setose-ciliate, thickish, apex acute. Scape 22–28 cm long, (7–) 10–20 (–22)-flowered, slender, glandular, villous at the base of the inflorescence. Bracts 6–9 (–11) mm long, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, glandular. Larger pedicels 14–14.5 (–29) mm long, 1½–3 times the bract length, slender, glandular. Flowers pink. Calyx 3.5–4 mm long, turbinate, less than ½ cleft, glandular; lobes 1.5–2 mm long, triangular-ovate. Corolla limb 9.5–10.5 mm broad, lobes obovate, 3.5–5 mm long, retuse, throat barely annulate. Anthers subsessile, obtuse. Ovary globose-depressed, 1.9 mm broad; style 1 mm long, stigma capitate. Capsule slightly exceeding the calyx. Seeds 4–6 per capsule, c. 2 mm long, as in Androsace himalaica, but with smaller papillae.

Fl. Per.: July–August.

Holotype: Mokhspuri, 13.7.1951, M. Younas Kiani s.n. (RAW, iso. KUH!).

Distribution: Endemic to Hazara and the adjoining Poonch area in Kashmir.

R.R. Stewart (l.c.) recognised this taxon as new but he did not publish it. The species resembles Androsace himalaica but differs in the linear-lanceolaate and larger leaves, the young stolons which are villous, larger scape and bracts, more flowers per umbel, and the slightly deeper divided corolla lobe apices. The species is found on steep shady slopes, banks etc., in forests from 2438-2850 m.


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