Primula sempervivoides O. Ktze.
A perennial stoloniferous plant. Stolons with 3-6/nodes, (15-) 30-80 mm long, brownish-red, ± stout, 1.5-2 mm thick, sparse pubescent, the hairs septate, villous so at the base of the young rosettes (hairs here dirty to yellowish-white). Leaf rosettes 10-25 (-30) mm broad. Leaves isomorphic, obovate to oblanceolate or spathulate, 5-15 x 3-6.5 mm, glabrous, cartilaginous, margin white and strong ciliate, cuspidate, midrib prominent on the undersurface. Scape 12-68 cm long, stout, glandular-pubescent, 4-15-flowered. Bracts 4-7 mm long, lanceolate to oblanceolate, obtuse, glandular-pubescent, exceeding or equalling the pedicels. Pedicel glandular, stout or not. Flowers pink with dark eye. Calyx 3-3.5 mm long, campanulate, glandular, ± ½ cleft; lobes obtusish. Corolla tube shorter than the calyx; lobes 2.5-4 mm long, unequal, obovate-cuneate, slightly retuse, outer surface sparsely glandular or not; throat annulate. Capsule ovaloid to subglobose, ± size of the calyx in length. Seeds 1-2, ovoid-angular, 1.8-2 mm long, vesiculose.
Fl. Per.: June-August.
Holotype: N.W. Himalaya, near Ghaut, Jacquem. 519 (P!).
Distribution: N.W. Himalaya from Kashmir to Lahul.
R.R. Stewart (l.c., 535) cites several gatherings from Chitral and Dr, but I have not seen any specimens from the area to confirm this. The record of this Kashmir plant from Hazara (l.c.) is rather doubtful and if authentic is an extension of range. Found from 3200-4267 m.