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Pakistan | Family List | Orchidaceae | Habenaria

3. Habenaria edgeworthii Hook.f. ex Collett, Flora Simlensis. 504.f. 166. 1902. R. R. Stewart, l.c. 70; Renz l.c. 61, pl. 64. f.l.


  • Platanthera edgeworthii (Hook.f. ex Collett) Gupta

    Plants up to 50(-75) cm, with rather small, ± sessile tuberoids. Stem leafy, somewhat flexuous. Leaves (2-)3-4, sheathing, the second largest, to 6-10 x 4.5 cm, ovate to ovate-lanceolate. Inflorescence cylindrical, up to 20(-25) cm long, 3 cm broad, dense. Bracts lanceolate, ± equalling the ovary in length. Flowers yellow and green, deflexed in bud. Sepals green, margins ciliolate, the dorsal broader than long, broadly ovate 3-4 x 4-5 mm, the lateral sepals somewhat larger, oblong, 5-6 mm long, ± deflexed; petals bright yellow, sometimes greenish-yellow, thick, obliquely triangular from c. 4 mm broad base, 5(-6) mm long, curved inwards and forming a hood with dorsal sepal. Labellum entire, 7-9 mm long, strap-shaped, bright yellow, its base forming a 1-1.5 mm broad, slightly chanelled claw, the anterior portion ± abruptly deflexed, 5-6 mm long, c.l mm broad, on the flexion with a distinct transverse gibbosity. Spur longer than ovary, to 1.5-2.5 cm, spreading and directed upwards, usually hooked downwards towards the tip. Column 2-3 mm, anther canals short, stigmatic processes short, oblong. Ovary twisted, glabrous.

    Fl. Per.: July-August.

    Type: Described from Simla, Collett.

    Distribution: Throughout N. W. Himalaya from Swat to Garhwal-Kumaon & Nepal. On grassy pastures, up to 3000 m, often with Satyrium nepalense.

    It differs from Habenaria latilabris in having a dense inflorescence, bright yellow hooded petals and a labellum with a distinct gibbosity on the flexion between the basal claw and the anterior section.


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