Solanum sindicum Pram
A prickly undershrub up to 60 cm tall. Stem (-s) and branches greyish-white with a dense stellate tomentum Prickles 3-6 mm long, curved, stout. Leaves 20-50 x 10-15 mm, ovate, entire to repand sinuate, base subcordate. Petiole up to 10 mm long. Peduncles 2-6-flowered, stout, up to 1.5 mm long, prickly and stellately tomentose. Calyx campanulate, stellate-tomentose, lobes linear-lanceolate, c. 3 mm long. Corolla 21/2-3 times calyx length, stellate-tomentose, bluish-purple, glabrous within; lobes 8-10 mm long, elliptic-oblong. Anthers 6-7 mm long, elongated. Filaments c. 1 mm long. Style 10 mm long, glabrous; stigma capitate. Ovary glabrescent. Berry globose, 10 mm broad, yellow, drooping. Seeds 2.7-3 mm long, subreniform, minutely foveolate.
Fl. Per.: April-September.
Holotype: Yemen, Forsskal 414(C).
Distribution: Tropical Africa, Arabia, Sind and Rajputana.
According to P. Jaeger (at Kew), the type of Solanum forskalii (C) has the same villous repand leaves and reflexed spines as in Solanum albicaule. Not very common except found in parts of Sind. The juice of the plant is said to be useful against ulcers.