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Pakistan | Family List | Boraginaceae | Pseudomertensia

6. Pseudomertensia efornicata (Rech. f. & Riedl) Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:60. 1967. Kazmi, l.c. 371.


  • Mertensia efornicata Rech. f. & Riedl

    A species closely resembling Pseudomertensia echioides, but differing in the larger anthers (2 mm), and the throat of corolla which is minutely hairy.

    Type: Chitral, Drosh, 11500', Bowes Lyon 186! (BM).

    Fl. Per.: June-July.

    Distribution: Chitral, eastward to? Kashmir.

    A gathering from Panj, E. Kashmir (R.R. Stewart 2772, RAW) has the corolla throat minutely hairy and may here. In facies it is like Pseudomertensia echioides.

    Distribution: N. Pakistan, Kashmir, Ladak.

    Found at altitudes from 2280-4000 m. Fl. Per.: July-August.


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