11. Pseudomertensia chitralensis (Riedl) Riedl in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 48:62. 1967. Kazmi, l.c. 376.
Mertensia chitralensis Riedl
Perennial rhizomatous herb. Basal leaves petiolate. Petiole longer than lamina. Lamina 30-40 x 7-12 mm, covered on both surfaces with short thin appressed hairs. Corolla tube c. 8 mm long; lobes 2 mm long, obtuse. Throat scales 1.2-1.5 mm long, eciliate. Anthers 1.2-1.5 mm long.
Fl. Per.: May.
Type: Chitral: Rambur, 3200 m, Bowes Lyon 664! (BM).
Distribution: Endemic.
Apparently closely related to Pseudomertensia drummondii from which it differs in the corolla with smaller and narrower throat scales which are not ciliate. The following specimens in the size of the throat scales approach Pseudomertensia chitralensis: Upper and of Hushe vy., c. 4250 m, Soofi & Humphrey 7598 (RAW); above Chogolisa glacier, E. Nasir & G.L. Webster 6241 (RAW); Jutial nala, Gilgit, 1.8.1954, R.R. Stewart s.n. (RAW); Peshmal, Swat, Y. Nasir 3450 (RAW); They cannot however with any certainty be included under that name. Except for specimen no. 7598, the throat scales are minutely puberulous on the margin and approach Pseudomertensia drummondii, but the {scalps in Pseudomertensia drummondii are large (2-3 mm). The filaments in these specimens are 0.5-mm long and do not exceed anther length (1.6-1.9). In this respect they relate to Pseudomertensia moltkioides. It is possible that these specimens might represent intermediate forms between Pseudomertensia moltkiodies and Pseudomertensia chitralensis or Pseudomertensia drummondii. More collection study is desirable:
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