Scilla griffithii Hochr. in Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 264. 1910. Rech. f. & Wendelbo in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 165: 114. 1990.
Hyacinthus purpureus Griff.Scilla hoheneckeri auct. non Fisch. & C. A. May.: Hook. f.
Bulb c. 20 mm in diameter, ovoid. Plant 25-40 cm tall. Leaves produced in autumn, narrowly linear, c. 4 mm broad. Raceme 10-20 (-25)-flowered, rachis purplish. Bracts 2.5-4 (-6) mm long, membranous, irregularly lacerate. Pedicel 5-25 mm long. Perianth biseriate, 3 + 3, connate at the base, 10-15 x 3-4 mm, elliptic-oblanceoalate, obtuse-subacute, blue-violet. Filaments c. 8 mm long, bluish, anthers c. 1.5 mm long. Capsule 6-7 mm in diameter, subgloboe. Seeds 3.5 mm long, subglobose to subovoid.
Fl.Per.: March-April.
Type: Afghanistan, Griffith 60 (K).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir.
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