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Pakistan | Family List | Caryophyllaceae | Acanthophyllum

3. Acanthophyllum sordidum Bunge ex Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:565. 1867. Schischkin in Fl. URSS. 6: 793; Mizushima in Fl. Afghan. 109. 1970; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 238. 1972.


  • Acanthophyllum spinidense Freyn
  • Acanthophyllum viscidum Freyn

    Spiny undershrub. Branches many, 8-15 cm, minutely pubescent, ± glabrous; the older basal portions developing a whitish-green bark. Leaves 10-20 x 2-3 mm, subulate-acerose, pubescent, ± glandular, patent or pointing upwards, shallow concave or flat above, convex beneath, sessile, apex ending in a brownish spine. Fascicles sometimes present in the axils. Flowers in dense terminal, sessile corymbs. Bracts linear-lanceolate, densely glandular-pubescent, apex acuminate-spiny. Calyx 6-7 mm, cylindrical, glandular-pubescent; teeth triangular at the apex, spiny; nerves obscure. Petals white, c. 7 mm, oblong-linear, limb dentate at the apex. Ovary 8-10 ovulate (Schischkin, l.c.).

    Fl. Per.: June, July.

    Type: Iran, Khorassan, inter Scharud et Nizapour, Bunge (G, photo!).

    Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan & Pakistan.

    Fairly common in Baluchistan at c. 1520 m. Resembles A. squarrosum but distinguished by its thicker leaves, very dense inflorescence and glandular pubescence on the bracts and calyx.


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