Gentiana olivieri Griseb.
Perennial, up to 30 cm high herb with stringy roots. Stem erect, simple, densely covered at base by sheaths of old leaves. Basal leaves more distinct, longer than cauline leaves, rosulate, 2.0-10 x 0.4-0.8 cm, oblong-oblanceolate, lanceolate, margin hyaline, entire, obtuse, univeined, cauline leaves 1.0-3.0(-3.5) x 0.4-1.0 cm, narrowly lanceolate-lanceolate, margin entire, acute. Inflorescence 3-6 flowered umbellate cyme in terminal cl usters. Flowers 15-3.0(-5.0) cm long, campanulate, pedicellate, pedicel short or long. Calyx 12-2.0 cm long, tube 0.55-0.8 cm long, lobes 0.55-0.9 x 0.15-0.25 cm, lanceolate-broadly lanceolate, entire, acute-acuminate, sinuses between lobes acute. Corolla 15-4.0 cm long, blue, campanualte, tube longer than lobes, 1.25-2.75 cm long, lobes 0.4-0.8 x 0.35-0.55 cm, oblanceolate-oblong or oval, entire, obtuse, plicae smaller than lobes, 0.15-0.25 x 0.1-0.15 cm, lanceolate-ovate, entire, acute-acuminate. Stamens 5, filaments winged at base, adnate in middle of corolla, anthers dorsifixed, elongated, bitobed. Ovary stipitate, 0.4-0.6 x 0.1-0.3 cm, narrowly lanceolate, style present, stigma obscurely bibbed. Nectaries at base of ovary. Capsule 0.5-0.75 x 025-0.4 cm, oblong, many seeded, exserted. Seeds small, brown, reticulated.
Fl. Per.: April-June.
Type: Persia, Hab. Inter Kermanschah et Amadan, Olivier s.n. (Holo-G, Photo!).
A-6 Chitral: Shoghor Gol, Karimabad village, W. of Tirich Mir, c. 3200 m, 22.6.1987, Ghafoor & Omer 2900 (KUH), Shandur, 9-10000 ft., Toppin 620(K), Bombrait, 12000 ft., Duthie 7 (K), Drosh, 5000 ft., Toppin 165 (K), Turikho river, 7000 ft:, 24.5.1958, Stainton 2508 (BM, E), Chitral village, 5000 ft., 15.4.1958, Stainton 2211(BM, E), D-4 Quetta: Hazarganji, c. 13 miles from Quetta on way to Naushki, S. Abedin 4954 (KUH), Hazarganji, 10.5.1983, Rasool Buksh s.n. (KUH), id., 5.5.1985, Ghafoor & Yusuf 1254 (KUH), Ziarat , May 1962, R.R. Stewart s.n. (RAW), Quetta-Chaman, Qila Abdullah to Shelabagh, 16-1900 m, Lamond 1053 (E), Sor range, 6-7000 ft., 20.6.1952, Crookshank 310 (K), Chebel Tum, 1851, Stocks s.n. (K), id., ibid. 1018 (K), Shelabagh, 6000 ft., 2.4.1889, Lace 5/90 (K), ibid., 27.4.1889, Lace 3826 (E), Pill hill, 8000 ft., 21.5.1888, Lace 3826 (E), Mach, 6000 ft., 4.5.1893, Monks s.n. (K), Baluchistan, ignot, Duthie s.n. (K).
Distribution: Turkey, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, U.S.S.R., Afghanistan, Paidstan.
A widely distributed species present in Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian regions. In Pakistan, it is fairly common in Balochistan and Chitral.
A perennial species of dry hill slopes gr owing at varying elevations (5000-13000 ft.).
A variable species. Various workers have recognized a number of forms on the basis of size of pedicels (forma sessiliflora Kusn., forma elongata C. Winkl.), size of calyx (forma aucheri Griseb.), and size of corolla (forma paviflora Regel & forma grandiflora Regel). It seems that all these forms are not distinct taxonomically.