Gentiana tianschanica Rupr. ex Kusn.
Perennial, up to 15-35(-40) cm high, glabrous, green herb with stout stringy roots. Stem simple, reddish brown, enveloped at base with old leaves. Basal leaves longer than cauline leaves, rosulate, 2.0-10.0 x 1.0-5.0 cm, linear-oblanceolate or lanceolate, margin slightly reflexed, entire-scabrulous, acute, univeined. Cauline leaves much smaller, 1.75-53 x 03-1.5 cm, lanceolate-oblanceolate, entire, purple rimmed, acute, sheathing at base, sheath 1.0-1.5 cm. Inflorescence a loosely cl ustered, few flowered cyme. Flowers campanulate, 1.25-3.0 cm long, small-long pedicellate. Calyx ± half the length of the flower, split lobes unequal, smallest, up to 0.5 cm long, biggest up to 0.4 cm long, all linear, acuminate, dentate. Corolla dark blue or sky blue, 1.25-3.0 cm long, tube much longer than lobes, 1-2 (-2.5) cm long, lobes 0.25-03 x 0.175-0.25 cm, ovate-obovate, entire, acute-acuminate, plicae 0.1-0.3 x 0.1-0.20 cm, lanceolate, acuminate. Stamens 5, filaments slender, adnate at half the length of corolla, winged at base, anthers dorsifixed, oblong, somewhat sagittate at base. Ovary lanceolate-elliptic, style short, stigma bilobed. Nectaries at base of ovary. Capsule ellipsoid-lanceolate. Seeds numerous, brown, reticulated.
Fl. Per.: July-September (-October).
Type: Described from several specimens collected from Tschatyr-kul, Tasch robot, and Karakoin-Thal on 3,4, & 6 August, 1867, Baron V. D. Osten-Sacken (LE, K!).
A-7 Chitral: Shandur, 12000 ft., 23.7.1958, Bowes-Lyon 89 (BM, E), Shandur pass, 12000 ft., 10.8.1968, Stainton 3090 (BM, E), Gilgit: Niltar(Naltar) valley, 9-10000 ft., 4.8.1892, Duthie s.n. (0, P), id., 10000 ft., Sept. 1960, McVean s.n. (E), Minapin glacier, 11500 ft., 7.8.1961, Lloyd & Megan 55 (BM), Banu Gah nala, 12500 ft., Thornley 24 (BM, E), Hunza valley, Zangia Harar, 13000 ft., 4.7.1939, Scott-Russel 1045 (BM), B-7 Hazara: 8 km from Babusar village on way to Babusar top, 5.9.1988, Omer & Qaiser 2642 (KUH), Babusar, 8.8.1976, Shahzad et al., 364 (BM), Babusar pass, ± 13000 ft., 15.8.1954, Metz 81 (BM), Burabai, 9500 ft., 16.7.1953, Kazmi s.n. (KUH), Besal, 3800m, 8.9.1953, Schmid 367 (BM), Kaghan valley, between Balakot and Babusar pass, July to September, 1954, Abel 123 (BM), B-8 Gilgit: Rama, ± 10000 ft., E. Nasir & Webster 6430 (K, RAW), id., 10500 ft., 30.7.1967, Lankester & Pearson TEL 1298 & 1386 (BM), Between Rama and Rama lakes, 12000 ft., 30.8.1988, Omer & Qaiser 2373 (KUH), Rama, above Astore, ± 10000 ft., 25.7.1946, R.R. Stewart 22894 (K), Astore, Gudhai valley, 11-12000 ft., 22.7.1892, Duthie 12201 (0), Baltistan: Deosai plains, ± 14000 ft., Siddiqui et al. 4247 (RAW), Satpura to Deosai, ± 12000 ft., E. Nasir & Webster 6337 (RAW), bie Kande, coll. ignot 1130 (K), above Skardu, 10000 ft., Koelz 9639 (NA), Upper Burzil valley, 11000 ft., 31.7.1946, R.R. Stewart 22014 (K), Burzil, 11000 ft., Koelz, 9393 (NA), Hasora, Sangn sar, on the right side of the Tsinger glacier group, 12.9.1856, Schlagintweit 6579, 6585 (P), Kashmir, 11000 ft., Clutterbucks s.n. (K), id., Giles s.n. (E), Sonamarg, cir. 12000 ft., 19.8.1922, Stewart 7349 (K), Kalapani, Giles 666 (K), Sunny Pir, Giles 625 (K), Battal, Sind valley, ± 10000 ft., R.R. Stewart 9926 (K, NA), Rajkote, 15000 ft., Strachey & Winterbottom 22 (K), Zoji La, 11500 ft., Sept. 1933, Kohli 3 (K), id., 27.8.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 8031 (BM), ZojiBal gali, 12000 ft., 7.9.1956, Polunin 56/735 (B, BM), Burji La, 13000 ft., 1.8.1876, Clarke 29925 A (BM), Karakorum, 12750 ft., 10.8.1876, Clarke 30359 A (CAL), Pense La, 13700 ft., 26.7.1981, Southampton University Botanical Expedition 165 (BM), id., 14400 ft., 13.9.1931, Koelz 2944 (E), near Jat Maru glacier, 13500-14000 ft., 9.8.1939, Scott-Russel 1561 (BM), east of Sikambarasi glacier, 13000 ft., 8.8.1939, ibid. 1545 (BM), Gagangir glacier, 12000 ft., 22.8.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 7784 (BM), Sokha glacier, 12000 ft., 22.8.1939, Scott-Russel 1648 & 1677 (BM), Putakhan gali, near Lolab, ± 10000 ft., 11.10.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 8263 (BM), Tilel valley, 12000 ft., 22.9.1931, Ludlow 861 (BM), Barai valley, Kishenganga, 12000 ft., 30.7.1935, Ludlow & Sheriff 1487 (E), Bok, 11500 ft., 13.9.1931, Koelz 2953 b (E), Cachemyr, Jacquemont 976 (P).
Distribution: U.S.S.R., China, Pakistan, India, Tibet, and Mongolia.
An Irano-Turanian element, extending into Sino Japanese region. In the Himalayas, it is usually found along the border line area of the region.