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Pakistan | Family List | Liliaceae | Gagea

1. Gagea alii Levichev in Pak. J. Bot. 38(1): 49. 2006. (Fig. 6, A-D).

S. I. Ali and I.G. Levichev

Gagea alii

Credit: I.G. Levichev

Plants solitary or in small groups, 7-25 cm in height. Bulb 9-11 mm in diameter, dro p-shaped2 covered by densely-coriaceous, cleaving up, greyish-brown tunic, continued in a short neck (up to 1.2 cm), in young plants the bulb is surrounded by thick (c. 0.8 mm in diameter) sclerified roots (absent in old plants). Vegetative bulbil single, semi-dro p-shaped, surrounded by few upward directed, thick sclerified roots. Peduncle 3-10 cm long, roundish in T.S., c. 2 mm in diameter. Basal leaf single, longer than the inflorescence, c. 1 mm broad. Leaves on the peduncle linear, at the base c. 2 mm broad. Inflorescence branched, 6-14-flowered, flowers dense. Tepals lanceolate, tip rotund and bearing a cap-l ike covering, 9-12 mm long, enlarging during flowering, 2-2.5 mm broad, yellow inside, greenish outside. Anthers yellow, dehiscence linear, up to 2.8 mm long. Ovary oblong, sessile.

Fl. Per.: March

Holotype: India, the British Beluchistan: on road from Sorob in Khuzdar, March, 11th 1943, V.I. Ul'janishchev (LE!).

Distribution: Presently known only from Pakistan (Baluchistan).


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