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Pakistan | Family List | Rosaceae | Potentilla

11. Potentilla curviseta Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 358. 1878. Th. Wolf in Bibl. Bot. 71: 95. 1908, R. R. Stewart, Ann. Catalogue Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 355. 1972, Polunin & Stainton, Flow. Himal. 127. 1984. (Fig. 6, A-E).

Muqarrab Shah

Department of Microbiology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan

Potentilla curviseta

Perennial, ascending to erect herbs. Rootstock slender, crowded with stiff, recurved, woody leaf bases. Basal stem very short, crowded by leaf bases. Floral stem 2-8 cm. long and slender, ± naked, generally forked near the middle and curved, with 2-3 flowers, sparsely pilose. Leaves ternate, petioles 3-7 cm. long, ± woody and recurved, sparsely pilose. Basal stipules adnate up to the middle with linear auricles, upper stipules much reduced, ovate. Leaflets coriaceous, obovate-oblong, acutely 3-dentate at the apex (rarely with an additional tooth), sparsely adpressed pilose. Flowers few, 1.2-1.5 cm. diam., laxly arranged, pedicels generally recurved, pilose. Calyces densely pilose, outer oblong-obtuse, inner ovate-acute. Petals yellow, 7-8 mm. long and broad, obovate, emarginate. Stamens 20, anthers purples, dithecous. Carpels many, styles subterminal, filiform, c. 1.5 mm. long, stigma not dilated. Achenes generally pubescent.

Fl. Per.: June-August

Type: Kashmir, Talail, 12,000, C. B. Clarke 30711 (K).

B-7 Mansehra, Kaghan Valley, Chitta Katha Sar, 4,500 m. F. Schmid 671 (BM, E, G), B-8 Kashmir, Sarsangar (Muzaffarabad), Inayat 14-7-1899 (K), Kishanganga Valley, below Kun Pather, 10,000-11,000 ft, rocks near snow, R.R. Stewart & I.D. Stewart 18538 (US), Thajwas-Sonamarg, ± 13,500 ft., Ludlow & Sherriff 7937 (BM, E), Gurez, ± 10,000 ft, rock crevices, Ludlow & Sherriff 8231 (BM), Sekiwas, ± 11,000 ft., O. Polunin 56/591 (BM), rocks above Kalpani in Kamri Valley, ± 12,000 ft. J. F. Duthie 12566 (BM, E), Yamharu Pass, 13-14,000 ft. J. F. Duthie 13568 (BM), near Aphapwat, ± 14,000 ft. in rock crevices, R.R. Stewart 10468 (S), opposite Pahlgam, on East Lidder Valley River, 27 road miles north of Islamabad, F. G. Dickison 694 (MICH), Tsurlat Pass (Salnaisar), ± 13,500 ft, O. Polunin 9640 (BM), Vishamsar, 13,500 ft, on stony slopes, J.D.A. Stainton 5041 (BM).

Distribution: Endemic to Pakistan and Kashmir.

A fairly common species in the alpine regions of the Kashmir, rare in Pakistan (collected from Kaghan valley only). It is found in rock crevices, generally on cliffs in open sunny places between 3 – 4000 m.


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