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Pakistan | Family List | Rosaceae | Potentilla

21. Potentilla bannehalensis Cambess. in Jacquem. Voy. Inde. 4: 52, t. 64. 1844. Dickshit & Panigrahi, Fam. Rosaceae. Ind. 4: 204. 1998. (Fig. 9).

Muqarrab Shah

Department of Microbiology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan

Potentilla bannehalensis

  • Potentilla leschenaultiana var. bannehalensis (Cambess.) Hook. f.

    Erect perennial herbs. Stem 30-50 cm long, erect, leafy with thin tomentose and long villose and glandulose hairs. Basal leaves 3-4 paired, lower and upper stem leaves with 3 pairs of leaflets, interruptedly pinnate, petioles long villose glandulose. Basal stipules lanceolate, dark reddish brown, upper stipules leafy oblong-lanceolate, generally 3-4-fid, leaflet variable, upper 2-3 x 1.3-1.7 cm, obovate, serrate dentate, upper surface adpressed pilose, lower villose glandulose intermixed with short hairs. Flowers mostly teminal 1.6-2.0 cm diam. Conspicuous. Calyces subequal, densely villose, acute. Petals yellow. Stamens about 20. Carpels numerous, styles c. 2 mm long, subterminal, thickened below, stigma not dilated. Achenes ridged.

    Type: described from Bannehal, ± 2,900 m, Kashmir. (P) isotype (PR).

    B-7 Mansehra, Kaghan Valley, Naran to Saiful Maluk, ± 2,800 m., on grassy slopes near river bank, Muqarrab Shah & Jamshed 141 (ABD), B-8 Kashmir, Voyage de Jacquemont aux Indes Orient. 780 (P).

    Distribution: Pakistan and Kashmir.

    A tall upright handsome plant with pretty yellow conspicuous flowers, common on grassy and stony slopes between 2,000 and 2,900 m.

    Potentilla bannehalensis Cambess. differs from its close relative Potentilla gerardiana Lindl. ex Lehm. in h aving a tall erect habit, 3-pinnate stem leaves and larger flowers (up to 2 cm diam.). Potentilla gerardiana is ± prostrate, lower stem leaves bipinnate, upper leaves ternate and smaller flowers (up to 1.3 cm diam.).


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